About Carrie

I support people in developing their conversational skills as helpers - whether it is a doctor talking with a patient about their tobacco use, a social worker trying to help someone find housing, or a medical assistant broaching the topic of vaccines with a new parent. I teach skills that make these conversations feel less like a wrestling match and more like a dance. I first stumbled upon MI in 2007 and immediately connected with it; I have been a dedicated student ever sense.

I am a health educator and occupational therapist, a member of the international Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT), and Chair of the Oregon chapter of MINT. I have presented in-person and virtually at conferences, healthcare settings, and non-profit organizations for a wide variety of professionals, including front-line staff, clinical staff, administrators, and leadership.

Specialty Topics Include:

  • Behavioral Health

  • Forensic Settings

  • Vaccine Hesitancy

  • Physical Rehabilitation

  • Substance Use

  • Health Coaching

  • Restorative Justice

  • School Settings

  • Housing Support

  • Parenting